Wednesday 20 August 2014

Liebster Award

Before this nomination I had never heard of this "Liebster award" but I have found that it's a way to get to know and find out about new blogs, which I think is great! So I have been nominated by a Scottish beauty and she is the lovely Scottishrose, thank you! Go and check out her blog :)

So these are the rules:
- You list 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who's nominated you
- Write 11 new questions
- Nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to answer the questions.  
remember to let the bloggers know that you've nominated them!

11 Facts about myself
  1. I am 15 years old
  2. My favourite season is winter
  3. I can't sleep in pitch black
  4. I have met The Vamps twice
  5. I am 5 ft 8 inches and yet I still wear heels when going out (It's a good job I have tall friends, haha)
  6. I love London and really want to live there in the future
  7. I hate being indoors for too long
  8. The beach is my favourite place ever (A reason why it's a shame that I live in the midlands)
  9. I really wanna go to America, Italy, Scotland and Australia
  10. Cheryl Cole is my girl crush
  11. I love guys with accents omg
 Questions from Scottishrose

1. Your favourite type of blog post to read?

I love to read posts about reviews or 'monthly favourites' because I love to know what new products to buy.

2. What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

I'm more of a Costa girl but if I do go to Starbucks I buy their hot chocolate with cream and marshmellows because it's just perfect.

3. What blogger do you look up to the most?

I'm so new to blogging, I can't say I have a favourite as of yet.

4. Favourite lip colour?

Hmm.. I think I will have to go with a nice bright pink, it's always a winner, haha! But to be more specific I love 'Kate Moss Lasting Finish' Number 16 is the one.

5. The one beauty product you couldn't live without?

I couldn't live without 'No7 Beautifully Matte Foundation' it literally saves my life! (My friend Aimee recommended it to me and I will forever thank her for showing me)

6. Your favourite Disney film and why?

This is such a hard question! I think it would have to be Sleeping Beauty because it's just so perfect :') You can just watch it over and over again and it's still as cute as the first time you watched it!

7. Any interesting hobbies or talents?

I wouldn't say interesting but I love photography, and that's a hobbie I suppose.

8. Your favourite summer memory?

I have so many but my favourite summer memory has got to be when I was younger I used to go down to Cornwall for 2 weeks at the same campsite every year, with a group of friends and family. A few of us kids grew up together and I have such good memories of those days. I think the reason why it's my favourite memory is because we don't go anymore as the campsite closed down, the kids all grew up and some of the families fell apart but life goes on...

9. Where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years?

So in 5 years I will be 20, I hope to be at University finishing a journalism course. 

10.  Your biggest achievement?

To be honest, I really can't think of anything.

11. A luxury product/item you wish you owned?

There are sooo many but I wish I owned a pair of Louboutins, they are beautiful.

 My Questions 

1. Why did you start your blog?

2. What is your childhood song?

3. What is your favourite season?

4. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be? 

5.What is your all time favourite beauty product?

6. Can you speak any other languages?

7. What is your favourite perfume?

8. Have you got any siblings?

9. What are your favourite tv shows?

10. Where is your favourite place to buy clothes?

11. Who is the one person that inspires you?

Thanks again for the nomination, I enjoyed answering the questions :)

I nominate:

I know I'm supposed to nominate 11 but it takes so long to check if people have already done it and if they have under 200 followers but I'm a rule breaker ;)  

Lots of love
Georgina x

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